Blog - Sherri Johnson Coaching - Blog Archive: October, 2023

3X Your Revenue with Recruiting

As a real estate broker, the need for growth and new top-line revenue is never-ending.  One powerful strategy to achieve these goals is by recruiting new agents who can become an integral part of your team.  Not only does this approach help grow company dollar, but it enables you to give yourself a well-deserved pay raise.  

However, recruiting isn’t just about the transaction; it’s about building relationships, trust, and an inviting presence within the industry.  Here are four essential elements to consider.  

  1. Be a Thought Leader

In the competitive world of real estate, being a thought leader sets you apart from the crowd.  Your potential recruits should look to your social media platforms as a valuable…

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6 Creative Video Strategies that Create Sales 

Increase your team’s video presence for immediate sales success.

By Sherri Johnson, CEO | Founder

The time has come.  It’s time to create video and leverage it for unbelievable success.  A very high performing and top agent I coach was hesitant to start shooting videos.  She actually cussed me out and really wanted nothing to do with any video….ever!  After getting her to try I said “Just do it.  Jump in the deep-end and just start it today…right now.”  I went on to say, “Just shoot it in one take and don’t watch it again… don’t make it perfect, the more authentic and real, the better.”  She really didn’t want to do it and somehow, she shot her first video, posted it and that was it.  Our video…

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