Unlocking The Potential of Generation Z in Real Estate: The Zoomers Are Here Written by Erle Morring
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Unlocking The Potential of Generation Z in Real Estate: The Zoomers Are Here
Written by Erle Morring, Vice President of Coaching, Sherri Johnson Coaching The world is changing and so is the face of the real estate industry. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business, it’s essential to adapt and prepare for the next generation of real estate professionals. Enter Generation Z, often referred to as Zoomers. Born from the mid to late 1990s through the early 2010s, these dynamic individuals are poised to reshape the real estate sector in profound ways. The Rise of Zoomers Generation Z is a force to be reckoned with. Comprising 32% of the global population, Zoomers are the offspring of Generation X, and they bring a…1763 Views, 0 Comments